Finished Summary Symposium “The history and the present day of Palestine: discussing settlers’ colonialism and 100 years of resistance”(Dec. 21)


Category: Symposium

Research Group: B03 Peace BuildingA03 Migrants & Refugees

Symposium “The history and the present day of Palestine: discussing settlers’ colonialism and 100 years of resistance” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Project B03 “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” and A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” with College of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University.

Interest in the history of Palestine and Israel is developing in the tensest situation of Gaza we have ever seen. What caused the issues of Palestine and drove them to the current situation? This symposium discusses the perspectives on the history and the current situation of the issues of Palestine referring to “The Hundred Years’ War in Paletine” of Rachid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University and an Palestinian-American Opinion Leader.

Language: Japanese
Conditions: In-person meeting (some speaker will participate online)


Program :
15:20 Opening Address Masako Ishii(Professor, Rikkyo Univ.)
15:30 Presentation ① ”Situation in Gaza and the history of Palestine” Hiroyuki Suzuki(Project Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
15:50 Presentation② ”The Khalidi family and the history of Palestine” Kensuke Yamamoto(Lecturer, Shizuoka Prefectural Univ.)
16:10 Presentation③ ”Perspectives on the issues of Palestine” Miyuki Kinjo (Researcher, Ritsumeika Univ.)
16:30 Break Time
16:45 Comment by Hidemitsu Kuroki (Professor, ILCAA)
17:00 Comment by Naonori Kusakabe(Professor, Rikkyo Univ.)
17:15 Q&A
17:45 Closing Address

Hiroyuki SUZUKI
Project Associate Professor of Sultan Qaboos Chair in Middle Eastern Studies,Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo. After working as a JSPS post-doctoral Research Fellow (Japan Women’s University) and as a JSPS Overseas Research Fellow (Harry S.Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), he assumed his current position in September 2019. His works include “The Mass Uprisings “Intifada”: Occupied Palestine 1967-1993″(University of Tokyo Press, 2020) , and his joint works include “60 chapters to Know Palestine” (Akashi Shoten, 2016)

Senior Assistant Professor of Faculty of International Relations, University of Shizuoka. Completed the Doctoral Program in Area Studies at the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University. After working as a JSPS post-doctoral Research Fellow (Kyushu Univ.), he assumed his current position in April 2021. His main work is “Conflicts Over Sacred Spaces and The City of Jerusalem: Palestinian and Israeli Occupation/Annexation Politics” (Koyoshobo, 2020).

Miyuki KINJO
Visiting Researcher of Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University. Lecturer of Aichi Gakuin University. Completed the Doctoral Program at Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Science (Ph. D.), Ritsumeikan University. After working as a JSPS Restart Postdoctoral (RPD) Research Fellow (The Univ. of Tokyo), she assumed her current position. Her main publications are “In Search of Intersection with Palestine: Intersectional Feminism and Review of Solidarity,” in Korean YMCA in Japan ed. Palestine at the Intersection: Towards Renewal of Solidarity (Chapter 1), “Reexamining the Synchronicity of Debates on the Historical Perceptions: Israel and Japan,” Gendai-shiso (May 2018).

Contact :Saki Yamamoto(yamamoto_saki[at]
*Inquiry about this event will be accepted by 18:00 on December 20, 2023.



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