終了しました 活動記録 環太平洋オスマン帝国史研究国際会議 / Pacific Rim Ottomanists’ Conference (Mar. 22-23)


カテゴリ: シンポジウム

班構成: B01 国家体系


We are pleased to announce that the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo will be organizing an international conference on Ottoman history, entitled “Pacific Rim Ottomanists’ Conference” on March 22 and 23, 2023. This conference brings together scholars of Ottoman history based in East Asia and the Western regions of the United States to share their ongoing research. The conference will be held both in person and online. Please fill in the form and choose either “online” or “in person.” In-person participants (up to 18 people) will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.

登録フォーム / Registration form:https://forms.gle/wqndVFqy9StPPXYK8
(締め切り3月19日23:59 / Open until the end of March 19)

開催日/ Date :2023年3月22、23日(水、木)

場所 / Venue :東京大学東洋文化研究所3階大会議室 / Large meeting room (3rd floor),
Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo/Zoom

プログラム / Program

3月22日(水) / March 22, Wed
17:00~18:40 Opening session
Opening remarks (Jun Akiba, U Tokyo)
Baki Tezcan (UC Davis): “Birgili, Akhisarlı, and Kadızade: A Story of
Disenchantment in Three Acts.”
Jun Akiba: “Visiting the Courtroom through Back Door: A New Look at
the Ottoman Sharia Courts”

3月23日(木) / March 23, Thu
●1st Session 10:30~12:00 Law and Justice in the Ottoman Empire
Tommaso Stefini (European U Institute): “Ottoman justice and Political
Economy of Empires: Venetian merchants in Ottoman Courts (16th-18th
Nora Barakat (Stanford U): “Assembling Private Property in the Late
Ottoman Empire, From Homs to Hufuf”

●2nd Session 13:20~14:50 Early Modern Istanbul: From the Palace to the Street
Koh Choon Hwee (UCLA) and Madoka Morita (TUFS): “How to Keep the
Horses Happy: Urban Crowding in Eighteenth-Century Istanbul”
Satoshi Kawamoto (TUFS): “New Dorms for New Elites :The Baltacılar and
the Ottoman Palatial Architecture in the Seventeenth Century”

●3rd Session 15:20~16:50 Ottoman Urban History
Masato Tanaka (U Tokyo): “Men of Professions and Money”: Freemasonry,
Civic Associations, and the Formation of a New Social Class in Late
Ottoman Beirut”
Eunjeong Yi (Seoul U) and Madoka Morita: “Reconsidering Mahalles of
Ottoman Istanbul”


*The conference is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 20H01322 and 20H05827

連絡先 / Contact:秋葉淳 / Jun Akiba(東洋文化研究所 j-akiba[at]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp


