Finished Workshop “Imperial Hierarchy and Connectivity” (Sep. 22)
Category: Workshop
Research Group: B01 State SystemsA02 Islamic Thought & Knowledge
The workshop “Imperial Hierarchy and Connectivity” will be jointly organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” and Group A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge”.
Date & Time: September 22, 2022, 13:30-17:00
AKIBA Jun (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo/ B01 Co-investigator)
“The Ottoman Ulema Hierarchy: Privileges and Family/Co-local Connections”
MASHITA Hiroyuki (Kobe University/ B01 Co-investigator)
“Imperial Ties of the Mughal Nobility: A Review of the Mansab System”
Discussant: TAKAMATSU Yoichi (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/A02 Co-investigator)
Language: Japanese
Venue: Online meeting via Zoom, Open to public/Admission free, Pre-registration is required.
Pre-registration: Please use the form for pre-registration.
Co-organizer: Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki (ILCAA); 20H05827)/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: NODA Jin (ILCAA); 20H05825)
Contact: MORITA Madoka (mmorita[at]