Islamic Trust Studies Civil Dialogue “The Kurds in Japan and their reception by the host society” (Nov. 2)


Category: Workshop

Research Group: A02 Islamic Thought & KnowledgeOrganizer

Islamic Trust Studies Civil Dialogue “The Kurds in Japan and their reception by the host society” will be jointly held by the A02 and organizer of Islamic Trust Studies Project, and TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo).

The “Civil Dialogue” series of the Islamic Trust Studies aims to share research outcomes interactively, in line with the goals of the “Transformative Research Areas.” This Civil Dialogue will focus on the Kurds in Japan. With a talk by Dr. Sohrab Ahmadian, we will discuss the historical background of the Kurdish community in Japan and their host society’s approach.
The Kurds in Japan are known to have built communities in areas around Kawaguchi and Warabi in Saitama Prefecture. Recently, hate speech against them has become increasingly noticeable on the internet. However, they have been living in these areas for many years and have made efforts to integrate with local residents. Join this Civil Dialogue as an opportunity to understand who the Kurds in Japan are and to reflect on how we can better engage with them.

Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024 14:00-16:15
Language: Japanese
Conditions: Open to Public / Zoom Webinar / Pre-registration required


  1. 14:00-14:05 Introduction by Ono Ryosuke (ILCAA, TUFS, Research Associate)
  2. 14:05-14:25 Short Talk “How have Japanese books and journals reported on the Kurds in Japan?”, Ono Ryosuke
  3. 14:25-15:05 Main Talk “The Kurds in Japan and their reception by the host society: historical background and current challenges”, Sohrab Ahmadian (Graduate School of Global Studies, TUFS, Visiting Research Fellow)
  4. 15:05-15:20 Comment 1, Akedo Takahiro (Assoc. Prof., Graduate School of Economics, Osaka Metropolitan University)
  5. 15:20-15:35 Comment 2, Baba Hiroko (Lecturer, Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University / Special Advisor, Osaka City Board of Education)
  6. 15:35-16:15 Q&A, Discussion

Main talk abstract:
This talk will begin by introducing the historical background of the Kurds in Japan and then discuss in detail how the host society has received them. In particular, we will analyze and examine the factors influencing the host society’s reception from various perspectives, including local government policies and interactions with individual residents. Based on the findings to date, we will present specific examples and suggestions for facilitating the integration of immigrants and foreigners into their host societies and achieving successful coexistence, as well as the results of recent additional research. Finally, this presentation aims to offer insights into comprehensive policies and practices for realizing multicultural coexistence.

Main speaker:
Sohrab Ahmadian
Iranian Kurd. Obtained a doctorate at the University of Tsukuba in March 2024. He specializes in interdisciplinary studies of Japan and the Middle East, and his doctoral thesis focused on the diaspora experiences of Kurds in Japan.

Contact: ryosuke_ono[at]

Organisers: Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)”Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA(ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05825); Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA); 20H05823);TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)

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