終了しました 講演会「The Rediscovery of a Phantom Library: Studying the Library of Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar」(Nov. 24)


カテゴリ: シンポジウム

班構成: C01 Digital HumanitiesA02 知の変換

A02「イスラームの知の変換」は、C01「デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ的手法によるコネクティビティ分析」と共催で、Guy Burak氏を招聘し、講演会「The Rediscovery of a Phantom Library: Studying the Library of Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar」を開催いたします。



講演会「The Rediscovery of a Phantom Library: Studying the Library of Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar」
講演者:Guy Burak氏(ニューヨーク大学)
講演題目:”The Rediscovery of a Phantom Library: Studying the Library of Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar (d. 1804)”


The library of the mosque of the famous late eighteenth-century governor of northern Palestine Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar (d. 1804) has had a phantom presence in the historiography of Ottoman and Levantine libraries. Recently, the inventory of the library, currently held at the General Directorate of Endowments in Ankara, was brought to my attention. This personal discovery led to a large collaborative research project whose aim is to study one of the most important Ottoman libraries of the late eighteenth century. The talk will survey the project and situate it in the broader context of the study of Ottoman and Islamic libraries. Special attention will be drawn to the particularities of the librarian(s)’ descriptive practices.


開催形態:ハイブリッド / 一般公開 / 無料 / 要事前登録
会場:東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所 304会議室 / Zoomによるオンライン会議




共催:科研費学術変革領域研究(A)「イスラームの知の変換 」(研究代表者:野田仁(AA研)課題番号:20H05825/ 科研費学術変革領域研究(A)「デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ的手法によるコネクティビティ分析」(研究代表者:熊倉和歌子(AA研)課題番号:20H05830)


問い合わせ・連絡先:嘉藤 慎作(shin_kato[at]aa.tufs.ac.jp)
