終了しました 活動記録 Workshop “Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon” (May. 25)


カテゴリ: ワークショップ

班構成: A03 移民・難民



報告者:マルワ・アフマド Marwa Ahmad
PhD. Candidate, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)

題目: “Syrian refugee women and girls’ experience of the Covid-19 lockdown”


On top of their challenges as protracted refugees, the female Syrian refugees are having to overcome multiple trials in Lebanon amidst the Covid-19 lockdown and Lebanon’s financial collapse.
Join us to find out how Syrian women and girls are experiencing the pandemic at the domestic level of their confinement.



学術変革領域(A)「イスラーム的コネクティビティにみる信頼構築:世界の分断をのりこえる戦略知の創造」A03「移民・難民とコミュニティ形成」班(研究代表者・黒木英充(ILCAA); 20H05826)
科研費基盤研究(A)「イスラーム・ジェンダー学と現代的課題に関する応用的・実践的研究」(研究代表者・長澤榮治(ILCAA); 20H00085)グループ研究「ポスト紛争後の修復的正義とジェンダー」

太田絵里奈 e.otatsukada[at]aa.tufs.ac.jp


On May, 25th of 2021, I had the pleasure to be invited by notable Prof. Kuroki Hidemitsu to take part in the research group: “Connectivity and Trust-building in Islamic Civilization.” I delivered an online workshop to over 58 online participants under the title: “Syrian Refugee Women and Girls’ Experience of the Covid-19 Lockdown.” The content of the presentation was based on my peer reviewed manuscript, published as a chapter in a book under the title: “Female Syrian Refugees amidst the Covid-19 lockdown and Lebanon’s financial collapse” by l’Harmattan, Paris (2021) and edited by Carol Mann and Atieh Asgharzadeh, under : Covid-19 from the Viewpoint of Women in the Middle East .
   With the help of Prof. Toyoko Morita of Kagoshima University as a discussant, the lecture ended with a fruitful dialogue between participants and was not only well prepared, but mutually beneficial and thoroughly enjoyed by all attendees. It gave me the opportunity to reflect on points that I had not considered in my presentation and allowed me to gather constructive feedback from the audience for the purpose of self development and academic/personal growth.
