終了しました 活動記録 国際ワークショップ “The Safavids, the Post-Safavids and the East Indian Companies” (Dec. 17)


カテゴリ: ワークショップ

班構成: B01 国家体系A02 知の変換

B01班「イスラーム共同体の理念と国家体系」(代表:近藤信彰)は、A02班「イスラームの知の変換」(代表:野田仁)および科研費基盤研究(A)「外交の世界史の再構築:15~19世紀ユーラシアにおける交易と政権による保護・統制」(代表:松方冬子)との共催で、国際ワークショップ “The Safavids, the Post-Safavids and the East Indian Companies” を開催いたします。皆様のご参加をお待ち申し上げます。

日時:2023年12月17日 (日) 14:00~17:00

14:00 イントロダクション:近藤信彰(東京外国語大学AA研)
14:10 Peter Good (JSPS Fellow/東京外国語大学AA研)
“Stability by Contract?: The East India Company in Persia 1600-1747”
15:10 大東敬典 (東京大学史料編纂所)
“Pursue of Agreement: The Dutch East India Company”
16:20 ディスカッション
コメンテーター: 嘉藤慎作 (東京外国語大学AA研)



Stability by Contract?: The East India Company in Persia 1600-1747

Peter Good 

The English East India Company’s presence in Persia represents one of the longest non-colonial or imperial relationships of a European state with an Indian Ocean Empire. The Company’s ability to maintain its position as both a trading and diplomatic presence in the Safavid Empire was due to mutually recognised benefits. These included joint military campaigns against the Portuguese (1622), Gulf Piracy, or Arab and Afghan rebels along the littoral of the Persian Gulf. This paper will explore the different and changing methods used and deployed by both parties in order to maintain this valuable cooperation. The Company and the Safavid State enshrined their relationship in an evolving written document, the Farman. However, the Farman alone was rarely sufficient to fully answer all eventualities faced by either party, renegotiations were therefore required to better reflect changing circumstances. This paper will explore how the Anglo-Persian relationship was maintained outside of the formal confines of the written Farman. By exploring these bilateral exchanges, it is possible to better understand how the Company’s business was interwoven with the local and state policies of the Safavid Empire and its successors. Understanding the balance of power and management of the Anglo-Persian relations has an important impact upon the way we understand the agency of non-European states and peoples in their commercial and diplomatic exchanges. This helps us to understand the multi-valent nature of these interactions, rather than relying solely on Eurocentric views. 


Pursue of Agreement: The Dutch East India Company

Norifumi Daito

After the brutal overthrow of the Safavid dynasty in 1722, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) faced a serious setback in Iran. In face of incessant war their once-thriving trade in Bandar Abbas fell substantially. After desperate efforts in the rising markets of Basra, Bushire and Kharg Island, the VOC finally withdrew from the Persian Gulf in 1766. Historians think the Dutch failures signified Iran’s imperial and economic crisis, but the underlined overall catastrophe raises the question: how could the VOC nevertheless last so long?

              This paper argues that the crucial driving force behind the “longevity” of the VOC was a maintained vitality of local intermediaries, particularly Hindu and Armenian merchants. While endorsing the ailing Company trade as brokers or interpreters, they also served as important fixers between the VOC and rising regional powers. Here I elaborate on that understanding through an investigation of trade agreements the Company made with ruling elites in the Gulf and neighboring countries after the Safavids. By culling evidence from changing socioeconomic conditions that formed them, the paper shows a remarkable mobility of the local intermediaries that helped the VOC to struggle with the political vicissitudes in the post-Safavid period.





共催:科研費学術変革領域研究(A)「イスラーム共同体の理念と国家体系」(研究代表者:近藤信彰(AA研)課題番号:20H05827)/科研費学術変革領域研究(A)「イスラームの知の変換 」(研究代表者:野田仁(AA研)課題番号:20H05825)/科研費基盤研究(A)「外交の世界史の再構築:15~19世紀ユーラシアにおける交易と政権による保護・統制」(研究代表者:松方冬子(東京大学史料編纂所)課題番号:21H04355)

問い合わせ・連絡先:守田まどか  mmorita[at]aa.tufs.ac.jp


The workshop is convened by two distinguished scholars, each renowned for their expertise in the English and Dutch East India Company. It offers a forum for a comparative exploration of these influential entities, whose expanded experiences and interactions with local people in early modern Persia provided valuable insights into our project’s primary focus on diplomatic relations and state systems in the early modern period.

Dr. Peter, the first speaker, examined the existence of the English East India Company in Persia and investigated the legal grounds for its operations by drawing on Farmans issued to the Company by the Safavid Shahs from 1622 to 1747. A close reading of these documents developed over the studied period underscored the significance of acknowledging the Company’s reliance on non-European local personnel, shedding light on the diverse and interconnected nature of the Company’s operations in Persia.

Dr. Daito, the second speaker, delved into an analysis of the Dutch East India Company’s interactions within Safavid and post-Safavid Persia. By exploring Contractboeken, which documented various trade agreements the Company forged with regional rulers, Dr. Daito revealed that the success of the Company’s trade and agreement strategies rested on its broad network of local intermediaries. These intermediaries, such as Banian brokers and Armenian translators, underlay the Company’s resilience even after the demise of Safavid dynasty.

The presentations were followed by discussions covering a range of issues, such as the jurisdiction of Farmans on both conceptual and pragmatic levels, exercises of the privileges granted to the Company, and the notable absence or non-usage of the term “ahdname” in stark contrast to its prevalence in Ottoman diplomatic relations within the Persianate context.
