List of Organizer Articles
Finished 信頼学のキッチン・セッション#4(「開発主義」と信頼)活動報告
Finished 2022年度シビルダイアログ企画「空と海がつなぐ世界」実施報告
「イスラーム信頼学」総括班は東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所、世田谷代田 仁慈保幼園(東京都世田谷区代田)と共催でシビルダイアログ企画「空と海がつなぐ世界」(10月24日~11月13日)を実施しました。
Finished 信頼学のキッチン・セッション#3(グラノヴェター特集①)活動報告
Finished 「信頼学のキッチン#2」活動報告
Finished 「信頼学のキッチン#1」趣旨・活動報告
Finished International Conference “Middle Eastern, Balkan and Japanese perspectives on the global and regional impacts of the Ukraine War” (Sep. 7)
The International Conference “Middle Eastern, Balkan and Japanese perspectives on the global and regional impacts of the Ukraine War” will be held on September 7, 2022 in Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES), Beirut.
Finished Research Seminar with Professor M. Khodarkovsky (May. 20)
A research seminar will be organized by Organizer, A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge,” B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” under the cosponsorship of the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University. This seminar will invite Professor M. Khodarkovsky, Professor of Loyola University and Foreign Visitors Fellow of SRC, Hokkaido University as the speaker.
Finished Summary Online Symposium “Backgrounds of the war in Ukraine and its repercussions : Where are we standing now?” (Mar. 25)
Online Symposium “Backgrounds of the war in Ukraine and its repercussions : Where are we standing now?” is jointly organized by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Democracy by Violence in the Twentieth Century: A Transnational History”, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)”Melting Empire: Modernizing State and Destabilized Society in the Borderlands of Late Imperial Russia”.
Finished Summary Islamic Trust Studies Symposium 2021 “The Recipes for Trust Studies: Materials and Methods” (Mar. 14)
Islamic Trust Studies Symposium 2021 “The Recipes for Trust Studies: Materials and Methods” will be held by the organizer of “Islamic Trust Studies”.
Finished Civil Dialogue Project 2021 “The World Connected by Animals” (October 18 – November 14, 2021)
Civil Dialogue Project “The world connected by animals” was jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Project Organizer, ILCAA, and Setagayadaita Jinji Nursery School (Director: Masanori Senoo, Tokyo).
Finished Webinar: 2021 Political Change in Afghanistan and International Society (Aug. 31)
MEXT Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Islamic Trust Studies) will hold a webinar with Sasakawa Peace Foundation and Japan Platform (International NGO).
Finished Thiqa Project Kick-off Symposium (Mar.5)
Thiqa Project will hold the Kick-off symposium on March 5th, 2021 (Open to the public & Admission free).
Finished Explanatory Meeting for Publicly Offered Research for “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization (Thiqa Project)” (Jan.23)
This Project Area(Thiqa Project) recruits Publicly Offered Researches which start in 2021(FY). Organizer will hold an explanatory meeting on Publicly Offered Researches for persons who are planning to apply them.
Finished First General meeting (Jan.9)
We will hold the first general meeting on January 9th, 2021.