List of Organizer Articles
Islamic Trust Studies Civil Dialog “Cross Stitch and Cross Talk: the Connectivity of Palestinian Embroidery (Oct. 12)
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Application of law in the Mixed Courts of Egypt” (Aug. 29)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Application of law in the Mixed Courts of Egypt” will be jointly held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and “The Kitchen of Trust Studies,” organized by “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization.”
Finished Online Workshop Series 2024 “Emergencies and Food” (July 20, July 25, and August 2, 2024)
The following online workshop series will be held by Grants-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA); 20H05823) and Publicly Offered Research of Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Food in Emergencies: Connectivity and Trust Building Being Challenged in the Middle East and North Africa” (Principal Investigator: Yuko Ido: 23H03929).
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Symposium “Freedom of speech and academic freedom on the verge of crisis: Reexamining discourses on ‘antisemitism’ and the Israel-Palestine question through an event of Ghassan Hage,” co-sponsored by Prof. Yoshikazu Shiobara’s seminar at Keio University
“Freedom of speech and academic freedom on the verge of crisis: Reexamining discourses on ‘antisemitism’ and the Israel-Palestine question through an event of Ghassan Hage” will be held by X00 Organizer of “Islamic Trust Studies” Project with the Seminar of Dr. Shiobara, at the Graduate School of Law/the Graduate School of Sociology, Keio University.
Finished Lecture “Digital documentation of the history of Muslim societies” (Mar. 15)
Islamic Trust Studies Organizer, in collaboration with ILCAA Core Project “Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society”, and the TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), will hold a lecture meeting entitled “Digital Documentation of the History of Muslim Societies”.
Finished Online Workshop Series 2023 “Emergencies and Food” (Feb. 7, 10, 15)
The Middle East and Africa continuously suffer from compound crises such as war and occupation, natural disasters, and food insecurity. Situating their regional contexts within global history, experts will explain complexities behind the situations of each country from various perspectives.
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “RDF hands-on seminar for data-driven research Part. 2” (Jan. 20)
A series of hands-on seminars for acquisition of RDF skills and digitization by the method will be jointly held by Publicly Offered Research “Visual Analyses of Nominal Connectivity among 14th to 16th Century Arab Urban Elites,” C01, and the Islamic Trust Studies Project’s “ITS’ Kitchen” led by the Area Organizer.
Finished 【シビルダイアログ】ガザ「戦争」の背景とパレスチナ問題の世界史的意味(Nov. 25)
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Civil Dialog “The Simurgh’s egg: workshops & exhibition” (Dec. 21-Jan. 24)
As part of our Civil Dialog activities, the Organizer of the Islamic Trust Studies Project will hold workshops and exhibition on the Persian national epic. During these sessions, we will collaborate with kindergarteners to create artworks, which will be displayed in the gallery of Tully’s Coffee Shimokitazawa.
Finished Application Guidelines for Short Presentation and Poster Session (Islamic Trust Studies International Conference 2023)
The Islamic Trust Studies Project will hold short presentation and poster session during our International Conference 2023, held at the University of Tokyo from March 1 to 3, 2024 as an opportunity of academic exchanges through research.
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “RDF hands-on seminar for data-driven research Part. 1”
A series of hands-on seminars for skill acquisition of RDF and digitization by the method will be held jointly by Publicly Offered Research “Visual Analyses of Nominal Connectivity among 14th to 16th Century Arab Urban Elites,” C01, and Area Organizer’s “ITS’ Kitchen” of the Islamic Trust Studies Project.
Finished Summary 信頼学のキッチン・セッション#9(分析の方法を考える)活動報告
Finished Symposium 2023 “Discussions on ‘hearty food/meal’ and ‘connectivities’ from the viewpoint of area studies” (Nov. 18)
Symposium 2023 “Discussions on ‘hearty food/meal’ and ‘connectivities’ from the viewpoint of area studies” will be held by Islamic Trust Studies Project with Japan Consortium for Area Studies at the Research Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA).
Finished 【総括班シビルダイアログ】「こども環境学会」で報告を行ないました(Jul. 7-9)
Finished Reviewing the world from the perspectives of connectivity and trust: reading the series “Connectivity and Trust Buildings in Islamic Civilization” (Jul. 27)
The series “Connectivity and Trust Buildings in Islamic Civilization” started to be issued this spring by the University of Tokyo Press. A book talk event will be held at Books Kinokuniya on July 27.