List of A02 Islamic Thought & Knowledge Articles
Finished Islamic Trust Studies A02 Book Review Workshop “Connectivity and Trust Buildings in Islamic Civilization, Vol. 3” (Mar. 17)
Islamic Trust Studies A02 Book Review Workshop “Trust in the Translations (Connectivity and Trust Buildings in Islamic Civilization, Vol. 3)” will be held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin Noda).
Finished International workshop: Iran and the International North-South Transport Corridor (Mar. 26)
The Islamic Trust Studies Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” is delighted to announce a workshop featuring Dr. Seyed Ali Alavi, a distinguished expert in International Politics of Middle East.
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Visible Translators: The History of Quran Translation in the Colonial and Postcolonial Periods” (Mar.8)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Visible Translators: The History of Quran Translation in the Colonial and Postcolonial Periods” will be jointly organized by B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So Yamane) and A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin Noda).
Finished Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Challenges to the Political and Cultural Spaces of the Modern Levant” (Feb. 28)
Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Challenges to the Political and Cultural Spaces of the Modern Levant” will be jointly held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge”, organizer of Islamic Trust Studies Project and A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”.
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Translation in the empires” (Nov. 24))
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Translation in the empires” will be jointly held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”.
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Civil Dialogue “The Kurds in Japan and their reception by the host society” (Nov. 2)
Islamic Trust Studies Civil Dialogue “The Kurds in Japan and their reception by the host society” will be jointly held by the A02 and organizer of Islamic Trust Studies Project, and TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo).
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Application of law in the Mixed Courts of Egypt” (Aug. 29)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Application of law in the Mixed Courts of Egypt” will be jointly held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and “The Kitchen of Trust Studies,” organized by “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization.”
Finished Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Translation Deviations in Multilingual Primary Source Documents in the Russian Colonial Archives” (Jul. 1)
Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Translation Deviations in Multilingual Primary Source Documents in the Russian Colonial Archives” will be held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge.”
Finished Summary Workshop “Translation and Connectivity in the Empires during the Modern Period” (Mar. 14)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Translation and Connectivity in the Empires during the Modern Period” will be held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” with C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” and Public Offered Research “Formation of an Intellectual Stratum for Inheriting Knowledge of Islamic Law in Russia in the 18th and 19th Centuries.”
Finished International Workshop “Circuits of Travel in South Asia and Beyond: The Tawa’if and Nautch Girls in Late Colonial India” (Mar. 21)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Circuits of Travel in South Asia and Beyond: The Tawa’if and Nautch Girls in Late Colonial India” will be jointly held by C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” and A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge.”
Finished Summary International Workshop “The Safavids, the Post-Safavids and the East Indian Companies” (Dec. 17)
The International Workshop “The Safavids, the Post-Safavids and the East Indian Companies” will be jointly organized by Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)”, Group A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge”, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), “Toward a Global History of Inter-State Relations: A Comparative Study on Governmental Controls on Commercial Exchanges and Traffics in Eurasia, 1400-1900” (Principal Investigator: MATSUKATA Fuyuko).
Finished International Symposium “Muddying the Waters: Towards a History of the Caspian Sea” (Sep. 13-14)
An International Symposium “MUDDYING THE WATERS: TOWARDS A HISTORY OF THE CASPIAN SEA” will be held in Vienna by Islamic Trust Studies A02 and B01 with Australian Academy of Sciences.
Finished Lecture by Dr. Zhanar Jampeissova (Mar. 23)
Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” and A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” will invite Dr. Zhanar Jampeissova in collaboration with Central Eurasian Studies Association. She will give a lecture “The Russian Statistical Science of the 19th Century: The Impact of the Consumption Theories on the Colonization of the Kazakh Steppes”.
Finished Workshop “Cross-Cultural Contact and Trust on the Oceanic Space during the Early Modern Period: Cases of Measures against Piracy” (Feb. 19)
The Workshop “Cross-Cultural Contact and Trust on the Oceanic Space during the Early Modern Period” will be jointly held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” with Ritsumeikan Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEIS).
Finished International Conference on Islamic Trust Studies: Translation and Transformation in Muslims’ Connectivity (Nov. 26–27)
The second International Conference of Islamic Trust Studies “Translation and Transformation in Muslim’s Connectivity” will be jointly organized by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy.”