List of Workshop Articles
Finished Summary Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Farman, State, and Society in Early Modern Context” (Mar. 9)
The International Workshop “Farman, State, and Society in Early Modern Context” will be organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)”.
Finished International Workshop “Circuits of Travel in South Asia and Beyond: The Tawa’if and Nautch Girls in Late Colonial India” (Mar. 21)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Circuits of Travel in South Asia and Beyond: The Tawa’if and Nautch Girls in Late Colonial India” will be jointly held by C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” and A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge.”
Finished International Workshop “Digital Barbed Wire and Social Control: The Politics of Internet Shutdowns in India” (Feb. 28)
The workshop“Digital Barbed Wire and Social Control: The Politics of Internet Shutdowns in India” will be jointly held by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)“The Historical Origins of Authoritarianism: Comparative Studies of Former British Colonies in South Asia”.
Finished Summary International Workshop “Narratives, Knowledge Transmission, and Discourses on the Caliphate in Medieval Islam” (Mar. 6)
The International Workshop “Narratives, Knowledge Transmission, and Discourses on the Caliphate in Medieval Islam” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)” and A01 “Mobility and Universality in the Islamic Economy (Principal Investigator:Shinsuke Nagaoka)”.
Finished Summary International Workshop “Exploring Connectivity around Medieval Islamic Political Thought and Beyond” (Feb 28)
The International Workshop “Exploring Connectivity around Medieval Islamic Political Thought and Beyond” will be organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)”.
Finished Online Workshop Series 2023 “Emergencies and Food” (Feb. 7, 10, 15)
The Middle East and Africa continuously suffer from compound crises such as war and occupation, natural disasters, and food insecurity. Situating their regional contexts within global history, experts will explain complexities behind the situations of each country from various perspectives.
Finished Workshop on Contemporary Arab Thought with Fadi Bardawil “How Can the Arab Left Contribute to the Liberation of the Peoples in the Middle East?” (Jan. 14)
Fadi Bardawil (Duke University), a researcher of contemporary Arab thought, will talk on his book Revolution and Disenchantment: Arab Marxism and the Binds of Emancipation (2020). We will discuss the intellectual legacy that the Arab Left inherited since the 1960s as well as the role they played or can play, especially in the post-Arab Spring protests and current Palestine issue.
Finished Workshop “Genocide in Palestine” (Jan 15)
Workshop “Genocide in Palestine” will be organized by A03.
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “RDF hands-on seminar for data-driven research Part. 2” (Jan. 20)
A series of hands-on seminars for acquisition of RDF skills and digitization by the method will be jointly held by Publicly Offered Research “Visual Analyses of Nominal Connectivity among 14th to 16th Century Arab Urban Elites,” C01, and the Islamic Trust Studies Project’s “ITS’ Kitchen” led by the Area Organizer.
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Digital Humanities Windter Day 2023” (Dec. 16-17)
C01班は、早稲田大学カタールチェアとの共催で、Digital Humanities Winter Days 2023を開催します。
Finished Summary International Workshop “The Safavids, the Post-Safavids and the East Indian Companies” (Dec. 17)
The International Workshop “The Safavids, the Post-Safavids and the East Indian Companies” will be jointly organized by Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)”, Group A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge”, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), “Toward a Global History of Inter-State Relations: A Comparative Study on Governmental Controls on Commercial Exchanges and Traffics in Eurasia, 1400-1900” (Principal Investigator: MATSUKATA Fuyuko).
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Extremist Marriage: The Role of ISIS Women in Indonesia”(Nov. 9)
B03班は、ワークショップ “Extremist Marriage: The Role of ISIS Women in Indonesia”を開催いたします。
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Connectivities of Islam analyzed by the result of attitude surveys on Syrian, Turkey, and Lebanese people” (Oct. 21)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Connectivities of Islam analyzed by the result of attitude surveys on Syrian, Turkey, and Lebanese people” is jointly held by B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” and A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”.
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “RDF hands-on seminar for data-driven research Part. 1”
A series of hands-on seminars for skill acquisition of RDF and digitization by the method will be held jointly by Publicly Offered Research “Visual Analyses of Nominal Connectivity among 14th to 16th Century Arab Urban Elites,” C01, and Area Organizer’s “ITS’ Kitchen” of the Islamic Trust Studies Project.
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Formation of human rights standards and international trust-building in Muslim majority countries” (Aug.8)
The workshop “Formation of human rights standards and international trust-building in Muslim majority countries” will be jointly held by B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” with the “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion.”