List of 終了した項目 Articles
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Symposium 2022 “Connectivities in the middle of antagonism and conflicts” (Mar. 2)
Islamic Trust Studies Symposium 2022 (academic year) “Connectivities in the middle of antagonism and conflicts” will be held at ILCAA of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies by the organizer of “Islamic Trust Studies.”
Finished 信頼学のキッチン・セッション#4(「開発主義」と信頼)活動報告
Finished Workshop “Debates over the Ottoman Caliphate” (Jan. 21)
The workshop “Debates over the Ottoman Caliphate” will be organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems”.
Finished Summary Workshop “Visualizing Trust” (Jan. 7)
The workshop “Visualizing Trust” will be jointly organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems”, Group C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” and Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “A study of civilian elite nexuses via digital analyses of pre-modern Arabic historical sources” (21H05374).
Finished Workshop “Muslim connectivity viewed from thought and strategy: cases of Southeast Asia and South Asia” (Dec. 12)
The workshop “Muslim connectivity viewed from thought and strategy: cases of Southeast Asia and South Asia” will be jointly organized by B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia.”
Finished (Updated on Dec. 2) The Iraqi Japanese Workshop(Dec. 4-9)
“The Iraqi Japanese Workshop” will be held in Baghdad on December 4-9, 2022. (updated on Dec. 2)
Finished Lecture “Multicultural coexistence in Niihama: inheriting the legacy of connectivity from Akira Hamanaka”(Dec. 18)
The Lecture as a Civil Dialogue Project will be jointly held by Niihama International Center and Islamic Trust Studies A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” to commemorate the late Akira Hamanaka, who performed considerable service to the creation of Muslim community in Japan based in Niihama, Ehime.
Finished 2022年度シビルダイアログ企画「空と海がつなぐ世界」実施報告
「イスラーム信頼学」総括班は東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所、世田谷代田 仁慈保幼園(東京都世田谷区代田)と共催でシビルダイアログ企画「空と海がつなぐ世界」(10月24日~11月13日)を実施しました。
Finished 信頼学のキッチン・セッション#3(グラノヴェター特集①)活動報告
Finished Seminar “Recreation and the creative Muslimah” (Nov. 23)
Finished International Conference on Islamic Trust Studies: Translation and Transformation in Muslims’ Connectivity (Nov. 26–27)
The second International Conference of Islamic Trust Studies “Translation and Transformation in Muslim’s Connectivity” will be jointly organized by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy.”
Finished Lecture “The Rediscovery of a Phantom Library: Studying the Library of Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar” (Nov. 24)
The lecture “The Rediscovery of a Phantom Library: Studying the Library of Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar” will be jointly organized by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” inviting Dr. Guy Burak as a guest speaker.
Finished 「信頼学のキッチン#2」活動報告
Finished 「信頼学のキッチン#1」趣旨・活動報告
Finished Workshop “Refugees and social crises” (Sep. 30)
The workshop “Refugees and social crises” will be organized by A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”.