The 4th Islamic Trust Studies International Symposium “Overcoming the Divide: Connectivity and Trust Building for Middle East Peace” (Feb. 22-24)


Category: Symposium

Research Group: Organizer

Islamic Trust Studies International Symposium

“Overcoming the Divide: Connectivity and Trust Building for Middle East Peace”

Organized by
MEXT Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)
“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization”(Islamic Trust Studies)

Date and Venue

February 22 (Sat) to 24 (Mon), 2025
The Sanjo Conference Hall at The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo


Registration Link

Registration is required:

Registration deadline: Feb. 4, 2025, p. m. 15:00.

Registration for the conference is now closed.

Conference Objectives

The research project “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization”* has sought to identify effective methods for building trust and alleviating divisions in the contemporary world by exploring various aspects of connectivity within Islamic civilization and beyond. Amidst a multitude of research topics—such as Islamic economies, historical Islamic state systems, the translation of knowledge and creation of strategic thought, migration and refugee issues, and peacebuilding—the question of Palestine and Israel has been a central focus of this research project. This reflects the complexity and contentious nature of the Israel–Palestine issue.
However, the events that unfolded in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon, which began in October 2023, pose the most significant challenge to our research, raising serious questions about connectivity and trust building. Israeli genocidal violence has devastated Palestinian people’s lives and living conditions as well as connection with the outside world. The blatant double standards exhibited by major Western governments regarding human rights abuse and injustices in the conflicts between Israel and Palestine and Russia and Ukraine have undermined people’s trust in the West’s commitment to the values it once championed. In addition, the suppression of speech in daily life and academia regarding these issues in Western countries—which, in the past, have sharply criticized suppression in other countries—is threatening global intellectual and academic exchange. Even the dichotomous 19th-century rhetoric of colonialism, which differentiated between the “civilized” and “barbarians,” has been reactivated within political discourse, further widening cleavages in global society.
Indeed, there is an urgent need for scholarship on connectivity and trust building to contribute to the restoration of justice and peace by generating research-based knowledge and insights. Palestine serves as one of the central locations for Islamic, Jewish, and Christian civilizations. It possesses a multilayered religious, cultural, and social fabric that connects Palestinian people with each other and the outside world. Clarifying the history of the past and present world surrounding Palestine will help explain the origins of the current catastrophe and will contribute to envisioning an alternative global society that can be embraced by the people of the region and beyond. This symposium will shed new light on the interconnected spheres that extend outward from the Middle East and produce strategic knowledge by collecting and reorganizing diverse perspectives from around the world that respect the values of inclusion and coexistence.


DAY 1 (Feb 22)  15:00-20:00

Opening remarks Hidemitsu Kuroki (ILCAA) 


Session 1. A Genocide in Our Time: Palestine under Terrorism Discourse and Neoliberalism
Keynote Speeches [Simultaneous translation available] 

Chair: Masako Kudo (J. F. Oberlin University)


  • Ghassan Hage (The University of Melbourne)

    On post-Genocidal futures: The bearable and the unbearable, the forgivable and the unforgivable

  • James Renton (Edge Hill University)

    The Liberal Democratic State and the Sovereignty of Antisemitism

    The equation of antisemitism with criticism of the Government of Israel is evidently a flashpoint in today’s global politics. While many scholars of antisemitism have protested this formulation, few have explained its emergence as a prominent feature of the global North’s inter-State consensus. Seeking to fill this gap, this paper argues that the contemporary global war on antisemitism by Western States is rooted in the genealogy of the 21st century political philosophy of the liberal democratic State.
    Scholars of Holocaust memorial culture in the global North have long pointed to the late 1990s as a watershed. Cosmopolitan globalism, liberal military interventionism, and the search for a new European identity have all been put forward as explanations. In contrast, this paper contends that Western States established Holocaust memorialisation as a principal tool for providing the liberal democratic State with meaning, as they sought to establish the universal sovereignty of this political form in a new global order. As the War on Terror led to the securitization of the State, Western States also securitized Holocaust memory as the philosophical essence of the new liberal democracy. This development led to the categorization of antisemitism as a threat to the Holocaust-liberal State nexus, symbiotically linked to the chief enemy to liberal sovereignty in the 21st century: the figure of the Muslim extremist.
    The paper argues that the securitised conception of antisemitism positioned the State of Israel as both the ultimate totem of Holocaust memory—the essence of the new liberal democracy— and the West’s state of exception in the defence of that political form. Herein antisemitism, as anti-Zionism, gradually increased in significance in the global North State system as the panic of liberal democracy mushroomed. The construction of an antisemitism surveillance apparatus resulted, in symbiosis with the surveillance of the world’s Muslims.


Hiroyuki Suzuki (The University of Tokyo)

Mouin Rabbani (Jadaliyya)


Welcoming banquet at the Sanjo Conference Hall


DAY2 (Feb 23)  10:30-19:30

Session 2. Multifold Magnetic Fields: Human Mobility and Connectivity to and from the Holy Land and Cities

Chair: Mami Hamamoto  (Osaka Metropolitan University)


  • Eileen Kane (Connecticut College)

    Russia and the Making of the Modern Middle East

    The roots of Israel’s genocide in Gaza lie in the late nineteenth-century Russian Empire. There, new economic pressures and disorienting capitalist conditions combined disastrously with ethnic identity politics, and transformed Christian perceptions of neighboring indigenous Jewish populations as a dangerous, threatening presence. Violence and new racial laws pushed millions of Jews to emigrate from the empire, mainly to North America, and also to Palestine. This new violent political antisemitism fueled the birth in 1897 of a small-scale movement for Jewish national liberation called Zionism.
    My paper disagrees with narratives that find the roots of violent conflict in Israel/Palestine in a clash of religions or nationalist ideologies. It argues that these conceptions of the conflict came later, to justify competing claims to land, and to secure and maintain the support of European and American allies unwilling to reckon with their central role in creating the conflict.

  • Ilham Khuri-Makdisi (Northeastern University)

    Doctors beyond Borders: Health practitioners in and from Palestine in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

    My paper examines health practitioners –doctors, nurses, pharmacists, as well as others—in and from Palestine in the late 19th and early 20th century, and their role in connecting Palestine to the rest of the Levant as well as to other parts of the world. Medical training in the late Ottoman period often involved high degrees of mobility, as many Palestinian health practitioners studied in medical and nursing schools in other parts of the Ottoman Empire –and most prominently in Cairo, Beirut and Istanbul. While some returned and practiced in Palestine, others ended up in the four corners of the world, including Egypt, Sudan, Brazil, and the United States. Those who practiced in Palestine were often locally mobile, treating patients beyond their immediate surroundings and often venturing into the countryside. Palestine and the rest of the Levant were also a central node connecting the production of medical knowledge and medical institutions to other parts of the world, in part through the establishment of hospitals and dispensaries by foreign missions and the convergence of medical health practitioners from various parts of Europe (including Russia) and the United States. At the same time, the health landscape in Palestine was very much shaped by local institutions, including the municipality and the establishment of the municipal hospitals such as the one in Jerusalem (1891), which also brought a number of Ottoman medical staff. This paper will analyze the kind of knowledge, practices, linkages and connectivities –among the inhabitants of Palestine, as well as with the rest of the world– that emerged out of the circulation and interaction between these different networks of healthcare providers in and from Palestine.

  • David Brophy (University of Sydney) 

    Exiles or Intermediaries? Xinjiang Muslims in the Inter-War Middle East

    Most discussion of Uyghur exile political activity in the Middle East begins with the 1949 Chinese Communist revolution and the flight of leading Uyghur members of the Nationalist Party (Guomindang) to India, and from there to refuge in Republican Turkey or the Hijaz. This presentation examines a series of individuals from Xinjiang who were active in the region in the inter-war period, with an emphasis on Cairo as a hub of intellectual exchange. While in some respects these activities can be seen as laying the foundations for the emergence of fully-fledged nationalist agitation from the 1950s onwards, they also form part of a wider milieu of pan-Islamic and pan-Asianist thinking, which offered Xinjiang Muslims a role in mediating, as opposed to interrupting, growing ties between Republican China and the Middle East.

Discussant: Jin Noda (ILCAA/SRC)


Lunch break


Session 3. Knowledge for Alternative Systems: The Islamic International System, the Islamic Economy, and Strategic Thoughts on Culture 

Chair: Sayaka Takano  (Chuo University)


  • Layla Saleh (Demos-Tunisia Democratic Sustainability Forum)

    Navigating Post-Assad Syria: Islamism and Local Democratic Knowledge

    The surprisingly swift collapse of the Assad regime prompts numerous questions about Syria’s political future. A great deal of media and policy attention since December 8, 2024 revolves around the ideological and political transformations of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS). In this paper I make the case for investigating local democratic knowledge, namely a rich civic repertoire exemplified by activists in the ‘Damascus Spring’ (2000-), revolutionary local councils (2011-), and other experiments. The key point is that Syrians are not embarking on an admittedly ambiguous post-Assad political transition with a blank slate. One looming question for students of Arab politics is how Islamists might fare in future contestations of political power. Delving into the repositories of civicism by groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood can shed light on challenges and prospects for a country emerging from authoritarianism and grinding war.

  • Shinsuke Nagaoka (Kyoto University)

    Connecting Islamic Economy to Post-Capitalism: The Universal Potential of Its Economic Knowledge and New Practices

    In the process of dramatic growth of the modern Islamic economy, there has been a struggle between the forces that seek alternatives to modern capitalism and the forces that seek to assimilate into it, and at times the latter has prevailed, leading to criticism. However, the situation provided an excellent opportunity to reconsider the original vision of the Islamic economy, which was to create an alternative to capitalism. Today, the Islamic economy is beginning to engage in new practices in order to play a role in the construction of a post-capitalist society. This presentation reviews these efforts and considers what we can learn from the Islamic economy for the construction of a new economic society, which is an urgent issue for us as well.

  • Maya Mikdashi (Rutgers University)

    Sextarianism: Rethinking Religious Difference and the State in Lebanon

    Sectarianism remains one of the enduring frameworks through which academics, politicians and policy makers approach the Middle East. In Lebanon and Iraq, sectarianism also structures the logic of the state and its management of religious diversity. In this talk I will introduce the concept of Sextarianism, by which I mean how gender and sect are experienced by everyday people as inseparable. Based on archival and ethnographic research in Lebanon, sextarianism helps us understand the political, economic, and social effects of religious and sectarian difference.

Discussant: Tetsuya Sahara (Meiji University)


Poster session

  • Erina Ota-Tsukada, Airu Adachi, Hiroaki Sawa, Daigo Isshiki, Ikki Ohmukai (U-PARL, The University of Tokyo)

    “Co-Creating the Archive: Rebuilding the Database of the Arabic Manuscripts Collection through Collaborative Dialogue”

    U-PARL is responsible for centralizing Asia-related research materials within the University of Tokyo into a virtual space. Starting this fiscal year, U-PARL has embarked on digitizing the “Daiber Collection.” The “Daiber Collection” consists of 520 codices, containing a wide variety of texts, and is the largest collection of Arabic manuscripts in the country. It is accessible through the database of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, but over 20 years have passed since its creation, and major revisions have been deemed necessary.
    In response, U-PARL is constructing a new archive that improves accessibility by organizing metadata under IIIF standards, using high-resolution image data and the latest technologies, such as AI, and connecting it to the external archive portal. U-PARL aims to present a new era of archives that are collaboratively ‘cultivated’ and developed by all involved by creating a platform that flexibly incorporates insights gained through dialogue among various stakeholders.

  • Fuga Kimura (The University of Tokyo)

    “The Development of pre-modern Islamic Law of War and International Law from the Perspective of Literary Genres”

    This presentation depicts the development of Islamic international law and law of war, which legally regulates the relationship of “trust” and diplomatic relations between the territory inhabited by Muslims and governed by Islamic law and other territories. The distinctive feature of this presentation is that it analyzes and explains the development of Islamic international law and the law of war from the perspective of the development of literary genres. The presentation will be divided into three parts: (1) the development of war stories in hadith and the Prophet’s biographies, (2) the Seljuk and Mamluk dynasties, where the virtue of jihad and the law of war developed in response to the invasion of the Crusaders and Mongol armies, and (3) the development of the Ottoman concept of gazwa (military expedition), which replaced the concept of defensive jihad up until the Mamluk dynasty.

  • Fukiko Ikehata (Ritsumeikan University)

    “Human Rights in Islamic Countries: Local Reforms and the Impact of International Connectivity”

    This study investigates human rights reform in Islamic countries, using Jordan as a case study to explore the interaction between local reform initiatives and international networks. Based on fieldwork conducted in Jordan, it examines how global human rights norms are understood and adapted within the country’s legal traditions. While international pressure is often seen as a critical force for reform, this research highlights the significant role of local efforts in driving change. Importantly, these local initiatives do not function in isolation; they are amplified and extended through both regional and international connections. In Jordan, several human rights organizations have formed regional coalitions to influence government policy, while also building international networks. These organizations exchange information with human rights groups in other Islamic countries, strengthening their advocacy both locally and globally. The study demonstrates that effective human rights reform in Jordan depends on the interplay of local action and international collaboration.

  • Haruna Murayama (Kyoto University)

    “An Analysis of Arabic Petitions in the Fatimid Period: Focusing on the Form of the Documents”

    The formulaic structure of Arabic petitions in the Fāṭimid period (909-1171) was brought by Egyptian letters written in the ninth century. Some features of the formula were innovated for submitting petitions to those who had high social status, caliphs, wazīrs and dignitaries. The secularization in petition formulae appear to have been enhanced by expansion and diversification of people who lived under the Fāṭimid rule. Petitions and maẓālim court during this period can be used by ones who were unable to file a lawsuit in addition to redress of administrative grievances. Whereas The Fātimid government continued to have courts available to people of any religion in order to legitimize its rule and to grasp the situation of its dominated regions. The edicts and decrees issued were reserved within the Court for future reference. At the same time, the petitioners also kept them so that they could claim their rights.

  • Mamoru Hasegawa (Keio University)

    “Local Government Responses to the Demands of Religious Minorities: A Case Study of Burial Site Acquisition Movement by Muslims in Japan”

    This study explores the factors that stipulate local government responses to the requests of religious minorities by investigating the case of the burial graveyard acquisition movement by Muslims in Japan. Since Japan is a country where more than 99% of bodies are cremated, there are only about ten cemeteries that allow for burial. Recently, as the number of Muslims in Japan has been increasing regardless of nationality, it raises concerns about shortage of burial spaces in the future. Muslims are actively working to establish burial graveyards, however, some plans have been called off for some reasons. Therefore, this research examines the factors that affect the graveyard acquisition movements by focusing on the cases in the Kanto region. This study aims to reconsider the boundaries between Japanese and foreign residents and explore how to foster consensus in Japan’s increasingly diverse communities.

  • Kazuto Matsuda (Observatory of Politics and Elections in the Arab and Muslim World)

    “Political Economy of the State-Society Relations in Kuwait since the 19th Century: A Qualitative Case Study”

    Oil often centers the scholarly discussion on the political economy of state-society relations in the Arab Gulf states, including Kuwait. While the salience of oil for these states’ political economy should not be denied, some scholars point out to the danger of the temptation to oil determinism for analyzing the subject matter. In this light, a research question arises: what other dynamics than oil can be observed in shaping the political economy of the state-society relations in Kuwait? To discuss this, this study employs a qualitative case study of Kuwait’s state-society relations since the 19th century and argues that the complex dynamics between the ruling Al-Sabah family and local elite merchants also made a significant contribution to the country’s state-society relations since the 19th century. The case study identifies the dynamics and its impact on the development of Kuwait’s state-society relations, providing empirical evidence in favor of the aforementioned argument.

  • Khashan Ammar (Ritsumeikan University)

    "Mapping the Concept of Wafāʾ as the Basis of Trust in the Islamic Contract System: A Semantic Study on the Cluster of Wafāʾ-Related Terms”

    This research project argues that Wafāʾ (faithful fulfillment of contracts) concept serves as the foundation of trust in Islam in general, and particularly within the Islamic contract system. In this presentation, the researcher explores the cluster of concepts associated with Wafāʾ and provides a semantic overview of the network of these terms as articulated in (or derived from) the original Islamic scriptures, including the Qurʾān and Ḥadīth.

    Furthermore, the presentation examines the practical relevance of this hypothesis and its map of correlation of cluster terms by offering an overview of its articulation in one of the most renowned and widely used Islamic legal references, al-Mawsūʿah al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaytiyyah (The Kuwaiti Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence).
  • Marina Hamanaka (The University of Tokyo)

    “Political Cartoon and Palestine in the 1980s: The Struggle to Involve Other Regions”

    This poster focuses on the political cartoons of Palestinian cartoonist Nājī al-‘Alī (1936-1987). While previous studies on historical representation of Palestine have focused on analyzing the state of conflict between Arabs and Jews over the interpretation of representations, there has been a lack of analysis that focuses on the variability and mixture of a sense of belonging in the struggle for liberation. I therefore turned the attention to al-‘Alī, who is known as a person to make political cartooning one of the most important forms of expression in Palestine, and fearlessly satirized both Israelis and Palestinians in his works. Why did al-‘Alī become an influential cartoonist in Palestinian society? To answer this question, this poster focuses on his work, particularly in the 1980s. It will show his use of unusual expressions that can be interpreted in multiple ways, and his attempt to involve other regions in the Palestinian liberation struggle.

  • Maya Arakawa (Kyoto University)

    “Islamic Horizontal Connectivity in African Pastoral Economies: Perspectives from Cattle Market and Traders in Central Africa, Cameroon”

    This study examines how Islamic horizontal connectivity among cattle traders sustains and drives the cattle market in northern Cameroon.
    Ngaoundéré, a key hub in Central Africa’s inland cattle trade routes, has long depended on credit-based transactions as its market foundation.
    With difficult economic conditions faced rural cattle herders in northern Cameroon, migration to urban areas has surged, bringing a diverse range of traders into the market. These traders, with varied backgrounds and economic scales, now navigate increasingly complex networks of competition and transactions.
    Focusing on credit-based cattle transaction practices, this study addresses how cattle traders establish horizontal economic relationships across diverse traders, foster mutual trust, and balance financial interests and emotional needs in this dynamic cattle market environment. It also explores how Islamic elements are integrated in these transactions and examines the role of Islamic connectivity within the cattle economy in Cameroon.

  • Natsumi Kono (Kyoto University)

    “Two Dynamisms of Takaful (Islamic Insurance) in Malaysia: Confronting Capitalism and Islamic Legitimacy”

    The purpose of this study is to summarize the changes in the adopted model of takāful (Islamic insurance) during its emergence and development in contemporary Malaysia. Since conventional insurance contains elements that are prohibited in Islam, gharar (uncertainty), maysir (gambling) and ribā (interest), takāful was invented and the first takāful company was established in Malaysia in 1984. Currently, more than 15 takāful companies do business in Malaysia, and this industry continues to grow up.
    This study conducted interviews with the founder’s generation to those who currently working in this industry in Malaysia. The results showed that takāful initially adopted a muḍāraba (profit-sharing) model, but later shifted to wakāla (commission) model. These findings can add a case study of interview-based insurance research to the field of Islamic economy.

  • Saho Mitsuhashi (Waseda University)

    “Natural Disasters in Late Medieval Cairo: A Study of Circulation of Information, Disaster Experiences, and Disaster Memory”

    Environmental history has become increasingly prominent in historical studies of the Middle East and North Africa due to a growing interest in global environmental change and the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the history of natural disasters is often constrained, mainly focusing on plagues and earthquakes. This study explores natural disasters and urban society in Mamluk Cairo, examining droughts, epidemics, famines, and meteorological disasters as complex disasters. By highlighting the networks of individuals and the circulation of knowledge and information within urban society, it aims to illuminate reactions, coping mechanisms, recovery strategies, and memories of disaster in medieval Cairo. Analysis of historical narratives reveals that shared memories of past disasters among intellectuals influenced responses to these hazards. Knowledge related to the environment, such as the fluctuating cycles of the Nile and water level information, was disseminated among Cairenes. These knowledge networks profoundly impacted the actions of individuals during and after disasters.

  • Seiko Tanabe (Kyoto University)

    “Rethinking Anthropology of Islam through the Study of Social Norms in Ordinary Lives: An Ethnographic Study in Turkish Village Society”

    This study aims to explore how people (re)build the relationships with religion and the social norms, by the thick description of the multi-layered social relationships in the ordinary lives.
    The recent focus on piety and the agency of devout Muslims in the anthropology of Islam has overlooked the people’s complex relationships with religion or the social norms, as piety has become as if it is a singular aspect of life, detached from other daily practices.
    I suggest the examination of how and to what extent people are connected (or disconnected) to the social norms including Islam in the ordinary behavior or acts is the necessary study.
    For this purpose, with the field research in a Turkish village society where radical change of the socio-economic ordinary lives is ongoing according with the water resource development, I aim to dynamically redefine the framework of normative and everyday to relativize the dichotomy itself.

  • Tatsuro Futatsuyama (Kagawa University)

    “The New Islamic Connectivity brought by Influencers in Social Media”

    As Muslims around the world increasingly use smartphones and social media, the way they access Islamic information has also changed. It has been pointed out that influencers on popular social media platforms among young Muslims, such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, are spreading information about Islam that differs from traditional teachings. However, there has been insufficient consideration of how Muslims have accepted this new Islamic information and the methods of its dissemination. Therefore, focusing on several influencers and follows the information circulating there and the reactions discussion about it, this study consider the new phenomenon of connectivity in Islam.

  • Yoshitaka Suzuki (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

    “Is multicultural coexistence possible in Turkey?: Focusing on the immigrants and refugees issues”

    The purpose of this presentation is to introduce and discuss how the Republic of Turkey can be inclusive of diversity, from the perspective of immigrants and refugee issues.
    Instability in neighbouring countries has brought many immigrants and refugees to Turkey. The ideas and ties of ‘being of Turkish descent’ and ‘being Muslim’ have shaped and given legitimacy to Turkey’s immigration and refugee protection policies. However, with the increasing settlement of people from diverse backgrounds, a backlash against immigrants and refugees has occurred in Turkey.
    This presentation will look at the issue of social inclusion of immigrants and refugees in Turkey in a holistic measure, and will also introduce the Syrian refugees relationship building, making use of the results of fieldwork. From the Turkish case study, we will look at the various challenges faced by nation-states in transitioning to a multicultural society.

  • Yuki Okabe (Ryukyu University)

    “Political Mobilization and Diasporic Voting in Lebanon”

    This study explores the dual role of the Lebanese diaspora in shaping Lebanon’s political landscape, with a particular focus on the 2022 elections. Historically exploited by establishment parties to reinforce sectarian agendas, the Lebanese diaspora has recently begun to shift towards independent mobilization, largely influenced by post-Arab Uprisings transnational activism. Diaspora networks have increasingly supported civil society movements, signaling a new phase of extraterritorial political engagement. Through a comparative analysis of establishment-aligned versus reformist-aligned diaspora voting patterns and protest activities, this study employs a mixed-methods approach to evaluate how transnational mobilization is redefining diaspora involvement. Findings reveal a dynamic where establishment parties still harness diaspora support, yet emergent civil society groups show growing traction, indicating potential for reshaping Lebanon’s sectarian order. This evolving diaspora role underscores the broader implications of transnational citizenship and its capacity to impact political reform in fragile states.

  • Yumeko Maeda (Kyoto University)

    “The Impact of Graffiti Images of Islamic Religious Leaders on Citizens in Senegal”

    The purpose of this study is to focus on the portraits of Islamic religious leaders painted on walls in urban areas of Senegal, to determine the reasons why the painters of these portraits paint the images of religious leaders, and how the local population perceives the images of these leaders.
    In Senegal, more than 90 percent of the population is Muslim. Although idolatry is forbidden in Islam, the iconography of religious leaders is frequently created and circulated in daily life in Senegal. The main artists who paint portraits of religious leaders on walls identify themselves as artists and graffiti artists, and in addition to religious leader images, they make retail store signs, decorate buildings, and exhibit their work in art galleries.
    The activities of these painters illustrate the accepted images of religious leaders and their religious roles in urban Senegal.

  • Yuri Abe (The University of Tokyo)

    “Popular legitimacy building as a support base for the Libyan National Army (LNA) in eastern Libya”

    What motivates residents of eastern Libya to support the Libyan National Army (LNA)? Previous research on LNA support only refers to how it has built a military support base through its relationship with the umbrella militia alliance, and lacks a perspective on building relationships with the people. Previous research on LNA support only refers to how it has built a military support base through its relationship with the militia alliance under its control, and lacks a perspective on building relationships with the people. In this presentation, I would like to focus on whether the LNA has built popular legitimacy as a support base and present the following hypothesis.
    Hypothesis: The combination of the provision of public goods and various factors that could satisfy the idealistic demand (here, the people’s earnest desire for national reconstruction) built popular support for the LNA.


Information exchange banquet at Capo Pellicano, School of Medicine Building


DAY3 (Feb 24)  9:30-12:00

Session 4. Toward an Open Society: Countering Rule Based on Division

Chair: Yuko Tobinai  (Morioka University)


  • Sumanto Al Qurtuby (Satya Wacana Christian University) 

    Building Peace for the Middle East Conflict: Perspectives from Indonesia

    This talk will discuss Indonesian perspectives on the Middle East conflict with a special reference to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, focusing on the viewpoints of the Indonesian government and religious groups, particularly Muslims, Christians, and Jews. While the Indonesian government has an official foreign policy concerning international affairs, the government officials (including high-ranked bureaucrats) and elite members of society (politicians or community/religious leaders) have different opinions, approaches, and strategies on how to build peace and harmony in conflict-ridden societies and countries in the Middle East, including Israel/Palestine. Equally important, although Israel and Indonesia do not have formal diplomatic ties, some government officials and non-government agencies of the two nations (including Muslim, Christian, and Jewish groups) have met, built connections, and exchanged ideas to find fruitful solutions for the prolonged Israel-Palestinian violence. In brief, this talk will explore the trust and peacebuilding efforts for Palestine and Israel from the diverse standpoints of Indonesia’s state and non-state actors.

  • Kumiko Makino (IDE-JETRO) 

    South Africa’s Public Discourse on the Palestine/Israel Conflict: Apartheid, Genocide, and Settler Colonialism

    The contentions over the apartheid regime in South Africa and the ongoing conflict in Palestine/Israel share some commonalities such as land dispossession under settler colonialism, as well as racist segregation and discrimination. Political leaders of South Africa, with experience of liberation movements against the apartheid regime, have expressed strong solidarity with the Palestinian people, filed a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for genocide, and criticized the major Western governments for their blatant double standards. This presentation aims to analyze the public discourse on Palestine/Israel in South Africa and explore what vision of an alternative global society it entails.

  • Minao Kukita (Nagoya University)

    How Automated Profiling Can Influence Our Perception of Others

    According to a report in +972 Magazine, the Israeli army has been using an artificial intelligence profiling system to identify Hamas operatives in the Gaza Strip since the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack. Testimonies from anonymous sources reveal how the Israeli military is abusing this system to practice acts that violate international humanitarian law. This presentation will discuss this example and how automated profiling can negatively affect our perception of others and undermine trust.

Discussant: Hiroyuki Tosa (Notre Dame Seishin University)


Closing session


Pre-registration is required.
Registration deadline: Feb. 4, 2025, p. m. 15:00

Registration for the conference is now closed.


Supported by The Uehiro Project for the Asian Research Library (U-PARL) of The University of Tokyo Library System

Contact Islamic Trust Studies: Project Office (connectivity_jimukyoku[at]

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