Application Guideline for Poster Session (Islamic Trust Studies International Conference 2024)


Category: SymposiumOthers

Research Group: Organizer

Application Guideline  

Poster Session of the Islamic Trust Studies International Conference 2024 


The Islamic Trust Studies Project will hold poster session in English during our International Conference 2024, held at the University of Tokyo from February 22 to 24, 2025 as an opportunity of academic exchanges through research. The application guidelines are as follows. 


This poster session will focus on the Muslim world and phenomena related to Islam. It is primarily intended for young researchers, ranging from master’s students to postdoctoral fellows, providing them with an opportunity for academic exchange with international researchers through presentations and discussions in English. Contributions from various research areas (such as area studies, history, political science, economics, etc.) are welcome. Additionally, proposals for new methodologies and comparative studies that extend across time and space, including non-Islamic civilizations, are encouraged. Presentations that address the themes of “trust” or “connectivity (relationship building)”—the core concepts of the Islamic Trust Studies Project—are particularly welcome. For more information on the project’s key concepts, please refer to “The Scope of the Islamic Trust Studies Project” and “Considering the Keywords Used in the Trust Studies Project” as outlined below. For more information about the scope of Islamic Trust Studies, please see the following Website (


Place: Sanjo Conference Hall, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo 

Session Style: In-person session in English  

Date: February 23, 2025 (Core time) / All posters will be on display in the lobby for 3 days. 

Quota: 20 participants (All applications will be screened; joint presentations accepted) 

Application Deadline: October 31, 2024 

Result Notification: November 8, 2024 

How to Apply: Please fill in the required information in the following Google form. 

Application Form: 

Contact: Islamic Trust Studies Project Office ( 



*All posters will be printed by the Islamic Trust Studies Project Office. Presenters must submit their A0-sized poster in PDF format in advance. The submission deadline is February 17, 2025. 

**Travel, hotel, and proofreading expenses will be covered upon request (Priority will be given to graduate students if there is a large number of applicants). 

***Participants requesting proofreading must submit their materials to the Islamic Trust Studies Project Office ( by February 3, 2025. 

***Preliminary exercises and feedback will be arranged by researchers from the Islamic Trust Studies Project if requested. 

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