Finished Summary Islamic Trust Studies Insternational Workshop “Islamic Shi‘i Jurisprudence and Western Style Constitutionalism in Iran” (June 14)


Category: Workshop

Research Group: B01 State Systems

The Islamic Trust Studies Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” is delighted to announce a workshop featuring Professor Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh, a distinguished expert in Iranian modern history. Professor Farzaneh is the esteemed author of The Iranian Constitutional Revolution and the Clerical Leadership of Khurasani (2015) and Iranian Women and Gender in the Iran-Iraq War (2021).

Your participation is eagerly anticipated.


Date & Time: June 14, Friday, 2024, 17:30~19:00 (JST)

Venue: Room 301, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (registered participants may also access the workshop online by Zoom), Open to public/Admission free, Pre-registration is required.


17:30 Introduction by Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
17:40 Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh (Northeastern Illinois University)

“Islamic Shi‘i Jurisprudence and Western Style Constitutionalism in Iran”

18:30 Discussions Discussant: Yasuyuki Matsunaga (TUFS)


In this talk, Professor Farzaneh will discuss how the chief Shii cleric in Najaf, Iraq, Mulla Mohammad Kazem Khorasani, directly influenced the outcome of the constitutionalism movement in Iran at the turn of the twentieth century. In a way he “Islamicized” the western concept of constitutionalism and supported the secular and religious constitutionalists in their struggle to modernize Iranian politics that aimed to curb monarchical absolutism and create a more just and fair civil society.


Language: English

Pre-registration: please use this form for in-person participation. 
                                     please use this form for online participation. 

Organizer: Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki (ILCAA); 20H05827)

Contact: MORITA Madoka (mmorita[at]



ファルザーネ教授(Northeastern Illinois University)は、著書The Iranian Constitutional Revolution and the Clerical Leadership of Khurasani (New York: Syracuse University Press, 2015)の内容を基にしつつ、イラン立憲革命(1905–1911)において活躍した立憲派ウラマーの一人、アーホンド・ホラーサーニー(Moḥammadkāẓem Khorāsānī, 1839-40–1911)に関する報告を行った。具体的にはまず、人々の識字率の低さ、加えて産業革命、市民革命といった歴史的な経験の不足といった立憲革命に至る社会状況をまとめた。そのうえで、同革命においてホラーサーニーが果たした重要性、特にシーア派・ウスーリー法学の観点から立憲制を是認し、十二イマーム派最高権威マルジャア・タクリードとして国民議会の活動に正当性を与えたことを指摘した。同教授の発表に対して、コメンテーターの松永泰行教授(東京外国語大学)からは、2004年に来日した改革派法学者キャディーヴァル(Moḥsen Kādīvar, b. 1959)のエピソード交えつつ、現代シーア派法学の状況を踏まえた講評があった。さらにフロアの参加者から、アラブ地域のイスラーム運動、西欧諸国やロシアのイスラーム観といった国外からの視点を加味した質問があり、ワークショップは、盛況のうちに幕を閉じた。(徳永 佳晃)

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