Finished Workshop “For understanding the Islamicate States-system “(Feb.11)
Category: Workshop
Research Group: A01 Islamic EconomyB01 State Systems
Category: Workshop
Research Group: A01 Islamic EconomyB01 State Systems
イスラーム信頼学ブックローンチ – イスラームからつなぐシリーズ第5巻(Mar. 17)
International workshop: Iran and the International North-South Transport Corridor (Mar. 26)
The Islamic Trust Studies Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” is delighted to announce a workshop featuring Dr. Seyed Ali Alavi, a distinguished expert in International Politics of Middle East.
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Visible Translators: The History of Quran Translation in the Colonial and Postcolonial Periods” (Mar.8)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Visible Translators: The History of Quran Translation in the Colonial and Postcolonial Periods” will be jointly organized by B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So Yamane) and A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin Noda).
Finished Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The current Islamic movement in Japan” (Feb.17)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The current Islamic movement in Japan” will be jointly organized by B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So Yamane) and the Organizer of Islamic Trust Studies (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu Kuroki).
Finished Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Challenges to the Political and Cultural Spaces of the Modern Levant” (Feb. 28)
Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Challenges to the Political and Cultural Spaces of the Modern Levant” will be jointly held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge”, organizer of Islamic Trust Studies Project and A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”.