Finished ワークショップ “Recent trends in Andalusi literature studies and its impact on Arabic literature” (Jan. 16)


Category: Workshop

Research Group: A03 Migrants & Refugees

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A03班はNIHUグローバル地中海地域研究・アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所拠点と共催で、ベイルート・アメリカン大学のEnass Khansa先生をお招きし、”Recent trends in Andalusi literature studies and its impact on Arabic literature” を開催いたします。

Workshop “Recent trends in Andalusi literature studies and its impact on Arabic literature”

Date: 16th January, Monday

Lecturer: Enass Khansa (Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut)

Chair: Hidemitsu Kuroki (ILCAA/SRC)

18:00-18:10 Introduction by Hidemitsu Kuroki
18:10-18:50 Lecture by Enass Khansa
                        “Recent trends in Andalusi literature studies and its impact on Arabic literature”
18:50-19:30 Discussion

Can al-Andalus be justified as an area of study? And if so, how do the theoretical frameworks proposed by scholars in the last two decades position al-Andalus as part of the Islamic West, Iberian or Mediterranean worlds? These will be the underlying questions of this talk which will look more broadly at how the study of al-Andalus influences the understanding of Arabic literature(s) through reviewing and commenting on the most significant books published about al-Andalus in recent times.

   Room 302, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa
   Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
   東京都府中市朝日町3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo



E-Mail : connectivity_jimukyoku[at]

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