Finished Explanatory Meeting for Publicly Offered Research for “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization (Thiqa Project)” (Jan.23)


Category: Others

Research Group: Organizer

Research Project “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Thiqa Project, Leader: KUROKI, Hidemitsu, Term: 2020-2024) recruits Publicly Offered Researches (Research Term: 2 years (2021-22, 2023-24)) as researches in collaboration with “Planned Research” in order to further promote the researches in the research area. Organizer will hold an explanatory meeting on Publicly Offered Researches for persons who are planning to apply them.

Date: 17:00-18:00 Friday, 29 January 2021

Venue: Zoom Webinar

*Pre-registration required

Please fill in the registration form (The deadline is set at 24:00, Wednesday, 27 January, Japan time. We will send Zoom information the privious day)

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